All About Gems


Amethyst has been a prized gem for centuries. It is the birthstone for Pisces and the month of February, and the gemstone for the 6th anniversary of marriage. Throughout history, the purple, lilac, and lavender amethyst have been associated with royalty. Purple Amethyst has been highly esteemed throughout the ages for its stunning beauty and legendary powers to stimulate, and soothe, the mind and emotions. It is a semi-precious stone in today’s classifications, but to the ancients it was worth at times in history, as much as a Diamond. Amethyst is a gem whose beauty transcends its commonality. In today’s world, Amethyst is a remarkable stone of spirituality and contentment, known for its metaphysical abilities to still the mind and inspire an enhanced meditative state. Its inherent high frequency purifies the aura of any negative energy or attachments and creates a protective shield of Light around the body.



Aquamarine is the birthstone for the month of March. The name Aquamarine comes from the Latin aqua marinus, meaning "water of the sea," and refers to its sparkling ocean-like colorAquamarine evokes the purity of crystalline waters, and the exhilaration and relaxation of the sea. It is calming, soothing, and cleansing, and inspires truth, trust and letting go. Aquamarine encourages the ideal of service to the world and to the development of a humanity attuned to healing. It emits a gentle and compassionate energy, promoting moderation and responsibility for ones' actions.



Citrine has been popular for thousands of years and used to be revered for its rarity. Citrine crystals carry with them virtues of self-improvement. They are excellent stones for self-healing. Wearing citrine constantly connects you with the light. Natural Citrine is a premier stone of manifestation, imagination, and personal will. Carrying the power of the sun, it is warm and comforting, energizing and life giving. Natural Citrine does not hold or accumulate negative energy, but rather transmutes, dissipates, and grounds it, making it extremely protective for the environment. It works out problems on both the physical and subtle levels, transforming negative thoughts and feelings into positive ones. It is one of only two crystals on Earth that never needs to be cleared or cleansed. The other is Kyanite. With its pure yellow energy, Citrine encourages fullness of life, fresh beginnings and new pursuits.


The emerald has been a gem of fascination in many cultures for over six thousand years. Many cultures throughout time have believed the emerald to be an enormously powerful stone in different ways. Wearing an emerald brings in intellectual progress. Traditionally, emerald stones are believed to benefit the wearer by enhancing contentment and the apparent power to perceive things that otherwise cannot be sensed.



Opal is the birthstone for the month of October, along with pink tourmaline. It is also the stone given to celebrate the 14th year of marriageThis gemstone owns the power to enhance the charm, beauty, wealth and passion of love.



The fiery and captivating Ruby is a stone of nobility, considered the most magnificent of all gems, the queen of stones and the stone of kings. Natural ruby is a precious gemstone that has mystical powers and its association with true and absolute luxury are legendary. Natural Ruby is one of four “precious” gemstones (including Diamond, Emerald and Sapphire) known for its rarity, monetary value, and hardness (second only to Diamond. All-natural Rubies have imperfections within them, including color impurities and inclusions of Rutile needles known as “silk.” These inclusions help distinguish natural Ruby from synthetics and when structurally oriented, so the light shines off the “silk” in certain ways, the inclusions increase the rarity and value of the stone. Ruby’s intense energy sharpens the mind, bringing a heightened awareness and excellent concentration. It promotes a courageous attitude and may increase one’s success in controversies and disputes.


Blue Sapphire

The sapphire is the birthstone for the month of September. The magnificent and holy Sapphire, in all its celestial hues, is a stone of wisdom and royalty, of prophecy and Divine favor. It is forever associated with sacred things and considered the gem of gems, a jewel steeped in the history. Today Sapphire is still a Stone of Wisdom, a royal stone of learning, mental acuity and psychic activation, a seeker after spiritual truth. Its pure Blue Ray brings order and healing to the mind. Sapphires are a symbol of integrity.



Tanzanite is a member of the mineral family zoisite, which has been known about for nearly two centuries. Tanzanite is a stone of transmutation, shifting from lilac-blue to sapphire blue and into deep blue-violet. In faceted form it is stunning, celebrated as the Gemstone of the 20th Century. As a workplace stone, Tanzanite is calming and soothing.



Topaz is the birthstone for the month of December, and the stone given in celebration of the 4th and 19th anniversaries of marriage. Topaz is a symbol of love and affection and has been said to be an aid to one’s sweetness and disposition. For thousands of years the mere mention of Topaz has conjured thoughts of opulence and luxury, influence and generosity, vibrancy and strength. Topaz closely resembles the finest aquamarine, and offers a very attractive and more affordable alternative to aquamarine



Tourmaline is the alternate birthstone for October, along with the opal.   Tourmaline represents a love of humanity and humanitarianism. Tourmaline has been said to be a stone of reconciliation, a stone that fosters compassion and radiates the energy that attracts money, healing and friendship. It is used for grounding purposes, to stabilize, and reaffirm our Earth roots. It also creates a commitment towards the completion of one’s goals.



People of many nations have treasured pearls for thousands of years. Pearl is a very famous gemstone which is found in ocean beds. It is worn both as jewelry and as a stone for benefits. The pearl is the oldest known gem, and for many centuries it was considered the most valuable. Unlike all gems, the pearl is organic matter derived from a living creature - oysters and mollusks. There is much folklore and tradition about the pearl. In fact, so much history accompanies this stone that five months claim it as a birthstone - February, April, June (traditional), July and November. Over time, the pearl has become the symbol of purity and innocence and it is often sewn into bridal gowns or worn as jewelry by the bride. The original pearl stone is a flawless, smooth, shining, round stone. It has a soft glamour and attractiveness which makes it look very beautiful. It is the gemstone for the zodiac sign cancer. Pearls make very good jewelry items. Be it a bracelet, ring, necklace or pendant, a pearl can be worn as all of these. The benefits of pearl gemstone are quite impressive. It’s a great gem that well worth owning. 


Red Coral

Coral has been used in jewelry for thousands of years. Coral is found in the sea and is made by small and simple marine invertebrate animals such as coral polyp, which is related to sea anemones.   One of the best benefits of the red coral is its effects of healing. Red coral is the most valuable form of coral. The deeper the red, the more it is prized. Triangular red coral gemstone is a triangular shape gemstone which has tendency to catch every human eye due to its brilliant red color and astounding shine. The triangular red coral stone is an adorable and special type of coral gemstone. The triangular red coral can best be worn as triangular red coral rings, triangular red coral necklace and triangular red coral pendants. Human has tendency to wear gemstones especially for gaining astrological benefits or to compliment overall physical appearance by adopting different triangular coral jewelries. Triangular red coral stone can be worn to promote courage, wisdom, intellect in human.

Cat eye

The cat’s eye gemstone is quite an intriguing gem. Apart from its appearance which is distinct and marked by chatoyancy, its metaphysical powers and properties have always fascinated human beings. It is a gemstone that is believed to help in healing.


One look at Moldavite and there's no question it is a stone of greatness, etherically carved of spiritual fire and destined for purpose. This mysterious green is star-born, formed from nature's violent meteoric impact with Mother Earth. Moldavite is relatively fragile and should never be cleansed with salt to avoid scratching its surface. Moldavite works extremely well in combination with other stones, particularly with the crystalline energies of Quartz varieties.



Ametrine is a rare and unusual stone which occurs in quartz when amethyst and citrine reside in the same crystal. Because the color zoning effect is natural, no two ametrines will ever be exactly alike. Ametrine is well suited to a variety of uses in jewelry as it is a highly durable gemstone. It is also sometimes used for carving. For healing purposes ametrine offers the benefits of amethyst, the benefits of citrine, and the effects that result from the harmonious blending of the two. The metaphysical properties of this stone are like those of the Amethyst and Citrine. Ametrine has also been known to induce a calm mind and positive attitude. There is a belief that the healing properties of this crystal are very strong, as it can provide the benefits of both amethyst and citrine



Agate is an excellent stone for rebalancing and harmonizing body, mind and spirit.  It cleanses and stabilizes the aura, eliminating and transforming negativity.  Agate enhances mental function, improving concentration, perception and analytical abilities.  It soothes tension and creates a sense of security and safety. Agate has a strengthening and stabilizing energy that will help you in your daily tasks. It will help you balance your energies and direct them appropriately. The energies of Agate will calm, elevate, and uplift you. Even if you’re having a very busy and crazy day, you will still be able to relax and find peace and solitude. Agate will also make sure that positive energies flow through you non-stop. It will keep you energized and empowered. It will keep you feeling positive and uplifted. This stone will stimulate your mind and emphasize all your wonderful traits. It will encourage you to make use of your talents and gifts to change your life for the better.



For thousands of years, Turquoise has spanned all cultures, prized as a symbol of wisdom and nobility. Turquoise is also reputed to be influenced by the physical condition of the person who wears it. Turquoise has always been valued as an ornamental gem, often considered a symbol of male power. Today, we know Turquoise empowers men and women equally, and worn or carried, it is a talisman of luck, success, ambition and creativity. Turquoise is a stone for self-forgiveness, self-acceptance and the release of useless regrets. It encourages us to honor ourselves as a creation and a tool of the Divine. Turquoise is a strengthening stone, good for exhaustion, depression, or panic attacks. Turquoise is a most efficient healer, providing solace for the spirit and well-being for the body. It relieves stress and brings focus back to the center heart. As a stone of purification, Turquoise dispels negative energy and clears electromagnetic smog from the environment. It promotes self-realization and aids in creative problem-solving, thus calming the nerves when speaking in public.



The spinel is a gemstone that attracts the powers to all the realms and all the efforts. In this world, this gemstone is used to magnetize the prosperity, wealth and money. It also gets the vitality to the endeavor. The spinel energy brings up the energy from the Mother Earth so that the spiritual quests may get the powers and helps us to move towards the best destinies. In the physical terms, the spinel cleans the aura, used for the clairaudience, channeling and astral travel. It attracts the energy in the form of cleaning one that may clear off the information in more vibrant way. The spinel is used for enhancing the intellectual powers and also to reduce the forgetfulness of the wearer. Spinel brings the sense of calming in the challenging situations or at the center of the high energy. It is the best stone for alleviating stress, depression and also encourages the person to move further even in the difficult conditions. 



Garnet is the birthstone for January and the stone that celebrates the 2nd anniversary of marriage. The name “garnet” comes from the Latin word “Garanatus,” meaning “seed like,” in reference to a pomegranate. This reference makes sense as small garnets look like the bright red seeds you find inside in a pomegranate. The garnet has been a popular gem throughout history. Garnets were found as beads in a necklace worn by a young man in a grave that dates back to 3000 B.C. This is proof of the hardness and durability of the stone. Garnet is the gemstone that is found in a natural manner and is quite rare. It comes in various colors like purple, orange pink and green. It is also available in dark red tint that gives a glimpse of honey. Garnet is a mystical charm that is well composed of the healing powers that proves to be helpful for the owner. That’s why it is also known as a healing gemstone. Garnet helps in gaining the business prosperity and financial success. It has the power to purify the energies in your body by getting rid of the toxins and restoring your body to its revitalized and re-energized state. Garnet can cleanse your body, mind, and spirit. It can make sure that you are functioning at your 100% all the time. It’s a stone that you must have if you want to achieve or regain your balance, if you want to feel safe and protected, and if you want to harness your inner strength.


Lapis Lazuli

The Lapis Lazuli meaning dates back to the ancient Persian. Its name comes from the Persian word 'Lazur' meaning 'blue stone', as the best Lapis has always been of a lovely blue color.  Some of the best Lapis comes from the ancient mine in Afghanistan, which has been in use for 2000 years. While it has also been found in Italy, Egypt, Chile, Russia and the USA, many of the best deposits have been mined out, so top quality stone is becoming harder to get. Not only are they beautiful but they may stimulate your sense of truth, as well as allowing you to experience the fullness of enlightenment, so you can see why these blue stones have been in use for thousands of years. Lapis Lazuli stones resonate with the vibration of truth and enlightenment and are potent stones to stimulate the third eye and the pineal gland. Lapis Lazuli is a useful stone to wear as it is said to relieve anger and negative thoughts, as well as easing frustrations causing the anger. They resonate with the energy of the inner king or queen, and are historically stones of royalty, and this crystal also helps to balance the male and female aspects of your personality.


The name Malachite may come from the Greek word malakee, or malache, signifying the resemblance of Mallow leaves, or from the Greek word malakos, meaning soft. Malachite, with its beautiful, rich green color, leaves no doubt of its importance as a jewel. Its opaque strength and power demands respect, mesmerizing the viewer. Yet the movement, flow and energy in its lines, circles and designs soothe and welcome. It is spiritually inviting. Malachite personifies the deep healing green of nature and represents the innate beauty of flowers, trees, roots and plants. It manifests a deep green which rules the material plane. It is a stone of transformation, assisting one in changing situations and providing for spiritual growth. It heals on physical and emotional levels, drawing out impurities and stimulating the life force throughout the aura and body. Malachite is a protection stone, absorbing negative energies and pollutants from the atmosphere and from the body. It guards against radiation of all kinds, clears electromagnetic pollution and heals earth energies. In the workplace Malachite protects against noise, over-bright fluorescent lighting, and harmful rays from technological equipment, negative phone calls and emails. Malachite balances mood swings, heals cramps, enables you to absorb and process information, releases negative experiences and old traumas, stimulates dreams and boosts the immune and nervous systems.


Black Onyx

The Black Onyx gemstone is one of the many gemstones believed to have amazing healing and spiritual properties. The story of the origin of this stone varies from culture to culture, but it does go back a very long way in time. It is actually a variety of the Chalcedony stones, which range from white-colored stones to black. These days, however, Black Onyx stones are available in pure black, as they are heated and polished. A powerful protection stone, Black Onyx absorbs and transforms negative energy and helps to prevent the drain of personal energy. Black Onyx aids the development of emotional and physical strength and stamina, especially when support is needed during times of stress, confusion or grief. This gemstone boosts self-realization. It helps in attending our own aims with determination and it specifically matched for those who might be simply dominated or lead. It is also supportive in centering and managing the whole person with high powers. This black gemstone encourages sense of responsibility and self-confidence. It boosts a good ego and desire to get engaged in a dispute in case it is important. This gem recovers the capability to assert ourselves. Through inspiring analytical logics and thoughts, it recovers focus and will help us in arguing in determined manner. It also offers a simple and real outlook to our life that increases regulation on our own actions. 


Ordinary yet extraordinary, colorful and clear, Quartz crystals are the most common and abundant in the world, comprising the largest and most diverse family in the mineral kingdom. From ancient times to the present day, quartz crystals have been a source of Light to mankind. Highly valued by spiritual leaders and healers as well as scientists, the unique attributes of quartz have played a key role in mankind' evolutionary development. For all its variety, when most people speak of "crystals", they are usually referring to Rock Crystal (Clear Quartz), the six-sided prisms of pure light and energy known as the Perfect Jewel. In its sparkling light is contained the entire color spectrum. In the metaphysical world, Clear Quartz crystals are the supreme gift of Mother Earth. Even the smallest is imbued with the properties of a master healer teacher. Resonating at the level of an individual's needs, Clear Quartz also amplifies whatever energy or intent is programmed into it and continues to broadcast that energy throughout the world and into the etheric realms. This may accelerate the fulfillment of one's prayers, intensify healing or spiritual growth, or simply allow the crystal to hold a pattern of energy long enough and strongly enough for the manifestation of a goal to occur. Clear Quartz brings strength and clarity to the intellect, aiding concentration and memory retention, and filtering out distractions.


The name chrysoberyl comes from the Greek words chrysos, meaning golden, and beryllos, which refers to its beryllium content. Chrysoberyl has been a prized stone for thousands of years in Asia, as it is believed to provide the wearer with protection from the evil eye. This stone brings compassion and forgiveness, generosity and confidence into your life. ​​​Chrysoberyl strengthens feelings of self-worth and releases useless energy patterns. It brings the wearer a great clarity, keenness of perception, and most importantly, strength. The stone has the ability to give the wearer a certainty in decision making, incomparable to the power of any other gemstone. Chrysoberyl is also a powerful healing stone on the physical level.

Padparadscha – King Sapphire

Padparadscha is one of the most valuable and costly sapphire. Its importance is just not because of its rarity, but also due to its powerful effect it has on the person wearing it. Padparadscha considered to be one of the most important means to remove negative emotions and feelings of a person and replaces with peace, love and happiness. Padparadscha helps the wearer to relate with spirituality. This gemstone brings sincerity and consistency in a person. It is being traditionally considered as the sign of royalty. Padparadscha Sapphires, bring the wisdom of loving creation from the heart to the world.

Yellow Sapphire

A genuinely mesmerizing stone due to its unique color characteristics and various cuts so that it generally draws the attention of each pair of eyes around it instinctively. Thus, by above context, it is not exaggerated to say that this stone is exceedingly being used by people, especially women, to embed classy yellow sapphire stone in various jewelry items such as engagement rings, wedding rings and necklace or bracelet. It is known to spread love and warmth around it. It stands for friendship and harmony. This stone encourages positivity among friends and helps in bonding well.  It is synonymous with knowledge and power. This gemstone brings mental peace and helps calm anger. It is known to release tension and stress. The yellow sapphire is used during meditation to help connect with higher self and find fulfillment.


Peridot is the birthstone for the month of August which has long written history dating back to as early as 1500 B.C. Called “the extreme gem” by the Gemological Institute of America, Peridot is born of fire and brought to light, one of only two gems (Diamond is the other) formed not in the Earth’s crust, but in molten rock of the upper mantle and brought to the surface by the tremendous forces of earthquakes and volcanoes. The Peridot crystal stone is a gem at inspiring the seekers of the universe. If it’s light and love that you're after, keep this cheerful and uplifting stone in your environment and give your Feng Shui a boost with its candy-colored hue and protective, powerful qualities. The Peridot is considered a wood element and works to promote abundance, prosperity, and happiness in your home. Often called the study stone, Peridot crystal healing properties are also known to increase mental focus by making the mind more receptive to learning new things. Keep Peridot in your workspace or office and always have constant access to its powerful properties that give you the strength to persevere, especially during times of challenging academic pursuits.

Pink Sapphire

The enduring and alluring Sapphire forms in more colors than just the legendary Blue Sapphire. Sapphire comes with very powerful properties and also has a number of colors available. Besides the powerful blue, pink sapphire is also a very in-demand stone. Generally found in Australia, Russia and Sri Lanka, the pink sapphire is popular as well as highly valued in the world of gemstones. Each color exhibits its own unique metaphysical properties and vibrational patterns, yet all are Stones of Wisdom. They honor the higher mind, bringing intuition, clarity and self-mastery. Worn throughout the ages for protection, good fortune and spiritual insight, Sapphires are not only symbols of power and strength, but also of kindness and wise judgment. Pink Sapphire brings the wisdom of resilience to one’s life, teaching that true strength lies in the power of vulnerability. Pink Sapphire assists the emotional body through the transitions of life, stimulating the emotions of love, forgiveness, acceptance, and letting go. This lovely crystal soothes the heart and aligns it with the mind, healing wounds of the past and encouraging compassion for others. It helps one develop the courage and to find joy in interacting with others.

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